Our values

Quality – Durability - Proximity

Materials, finishes, relations


Our raw materials are high quality stainless steel, bronze and titanium, selected and processed in accordance with the exacting standards for the manufacture of chainmail intended for the personal protection industry. The finishes on these metal textiles are entirely manual, carried out in the production workshop or by ourselves. We check them with the utmost care.

La créatrice


Simple design and basic shapes are our way of expressing the timeless beauty of chainmail — that beauty we just can't get enough of.
Our pieces are designed to fit together and to respond to one another. One can bring them to life in one’s own way, depending on the moment, the outfit, the mood of the day.
Jewellery for everyday use, and without expiry date!
We follow our models and don't fall in line with fashions or seasons. Our first Basique necklace, created in 2008, is still our best-seller.

The metals we use are recyclable, and mostly come from recycled sources (all the stainless steels in particular). We love the way they age, and the light patina they take on over time.

With this in mind, we offer a repair service for your jewellery.
Stainless steel and titanium are materials that evolve with age: they can matify and acquire slight grey shades, which we consider as normal.
On our DO and BR (bronze) finishes, the gilding may lose some of its lustre. Fasteners can wear out and in most cases can be replaced.
Contact us and we will suggest suitable renovation.



We always favour proximity and direct relationships, which we consider to be a guarantee of quality. That's why our chainmail is made in France (with just a small proportion coming from Germany), and all the processing and finishing is done in France, mostly by ourselves.

We draw inspiration and pride from the closeness and loyalty of our customers. Some of them are now real collectors.
Our model is to distribute through our professional customers. They provide the local link that allows you to see, touch and try out our products. We value their work and presence throughout towns and cities, which is why we don't offer postage or discount our prices in our online shop. We urge you to shop with them wherever possible!